


发布:2024-09-26 10:51:49      浏览:100


一、图标作文模板 遇到图表题,不用慌!先描述图表信息,再分析原因,最后给出自己的看法。例如:“As is shown in the chart, the number of ___ has been on the rise/decrease over the past few years. This trend is mainly due to ___. In my view, ___.”
模板结构 示例内容
描述图表 As is shown in the chart, the number of students studying abroad has increased significantly.
分析原因 This trend is attributed to the rising economic level and people’s pursuit of higher education.
给出看法 I believe this trend will continue in the future as more and more families can afford overseas education.
二、正反观点议论文模板 讨论一个话题时,总会有不同的声音。你可以先列出正方观点及理由,再列出反方观点及理由,最后表明自己的立场。例如:“Some people argue that ___ because ___. However, others believe that ___ for the reason that ___. Personally, I think ___.”
模板结构 示例内容
正方观点及理由 Some people argue that technology brings more benefits to society because it improves efficiency and accessibility.
反方观点及理由 However, others believe that technology can be harmful for the reason that it may lead to privacy issues and job losses.
表明立场 Personally, I think technology is a double-edged sword that needs to be used wisely.
三、“A或B”类议论文模板 面对选择,如何抉择?先阐述A的优势,再谈谈B的亮点,最后给出你的选择并说明理由。例如:“When it comes to choosing between A and B, both have their own advantages. A is ___ while B is ___. In my opinion, I would prefer ___ because ___.”
模板结构 示例内容
阐述A的优势 Studying abroad provides students with an opportunity to broaden their horizons and gain international experience.
谈谈B的亮点 Studying at home allows students to save money and be close to their families.
给出选择及理由 In my opinion, I would prefer studying abroad because it offers more challenges and growth opportunities.
掌握这些万能模板,你的高中英语作文将不再是难题!赶快行动起来,把它们运用到你的写作中去吧! 阅读全文





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